The meeting of the Slovak - Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (SIOK) representatives with the delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia led by H.E. Mr.Anton Apriyantono Print E-mail
Wednesday, 21 January 2009 15:20

The meeting of the Slovak - Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (SIOK) representatives with the delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia led by H.E. Mr.Anton Apriyantono was held on January 19, 2008. The Indonesian delegation was also represented by Mr. Firdauzie Dwiandika, the Charge d` Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Bratislava, Mr. Achmad Mangga Barani, the General Director of Section of Plant Production, Mrs. Yusni Emilia Harahap, Assistant Minister For Institutional Relation and International Cooperation, Dr. Achmad Abdurachim, Expert of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia On Human Resources, Mr. Edy Hartulistiyoso, Agriculture Attaché in Brusel, Mr. Wanton S. Sidauruk, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Bratislava and the Head of Protocol Mr. Made P. Sentanajaya

SIOK was represented by Mr. Milan Compel, President SIOK, Mr. Ivan Paska, the General Director for International Relationship OSIVO Zvolen and the nominee for the function of the General Director of Agriculture Section of SIOK, and Mrs. Zuzana Suskova, Executive Secretary SIOK.


Book of Condolences Print E-mail
Monday, 15 December 2008 16:39
On 15th and 16th of December 2008 the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia opened the Book of Condolences in honour of deceased former Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Ali Alatas S.H. On behalf of SIOK the President Mr. Milan Compel and the 1st Vice-President Mr. Julius Drugda came to express the condolences and sign the Book of Condolences.
Piano Concert performed by Sudiarso Duo Print E-mail
Thursday, 27 November 2008 16:17
On November 26, 2008 the piano concert performance of the pair Susiarso Duo was held in the building of the Slovak Radio. SIOK was represented by Ms. Zuzana Suskova on this event. Celebrating the 15th anniversary this year the Sudiarso Duo was founded in 1993 as the first Indonesian mother – doughter duo. Apart from performing in Indonesia, it also appears in the USA. Its performances in Indonesia include among others also Jakarta International Performance Art Festival, Schouwburg Festival at the Gedung Kesenian Hall in Jakarta and performance as soloist with Jakarta Symphony Orchestra. Sudiarso Duo prepared for the visitors unforgettable experience playing piano sonatas by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Anton Arensky or Walter Gieseking.
Audience at the Ministry of Agriculture of SR Print E-mail
Friday, 28 November 2008 14:55
Meeting with Mrs. Eva Kolesarova, Director of Foreign Relations Department


Mr. Milan Compel, President and Mr. Julius Drugda, 1st Vice-President of SIOK met with the Director of Foreign Relations Department Mrs. Eva Kolesarova on November 28, 2008. They informed her about SIOK establishment, its mission to Jakarta in October 2008 and especially about the negotiation with the Chairman of the Highest National Council of the Union of Indonesian Farmers (ZIF) Mr. Prabowo Subianto.

Second meeting of SIOK and SCCI Print E-mail
Tuesday, 11 November 2008 14:52

After return from the business trip to Jakarta the representatives of SIOK Mr. Milan Compel and Mr. Julius Drugda met with the Director of the Department of International Cooperation Mr. Jozef Rajtar on November 11, 2008 in the rooms of SCCI.

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