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Written by Tom   
Monday, 22 September 2008 17:05
Slovak Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (SIOK) has been established as a non-profit and non-governmental organization, based on the law No. 83/1990 of the Slovak Republic and registered at the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic on July 30, 2008. It gathers natural persons and legal entities which have the common target to increase mutual commercial and economic cooperation between Slovakia and Indonesia.

This target should be reached by personal involvement and activities developed by constituent members of  SIOK and great number of members from wide spectra of business and social life, and various activities which are attractive to the other side and can provide real and beneficial enlargement of mutual economic and commercial exchange.        

The highest decision making body of the SIOK is the General Assembly, organized annually with the presents of all members of SIOK. In meantime SIOK is managed by the Presidium consisting of 4 members (President, First Vice-President, Vice-President and Executive Secretary) and General Directors of Sections

Sections are built on professional base with an intend to the education and culture, environment and its protection, humanitarian aid and assistance in disasters, health protection and healthy nutrition, import and export of consumer goods, machinery, electronics and IT technology, energy, exploration and production of natural resources including oil and gas, aviation and air transport, raw materials and chemical industry, automobile industry, tourism, construction and architecture, furniture and home appliances, fashion and clothing, cosmetic and sport products, banking and financial services etc., according to requirements of potential members.   

SIOK shall organize minimum one “business mission” to Indonesia at the time of Trade Expo and shall offer opportunity to its members and non-member companies to joint thematic exhibitions and fairs organized all over Slovak Republic and in Indonesia under its “umbrella”.

SIOK based on the support from respective Indonesian organizations and companies shall offer to its members opportunity to joint “business matching meetings” and services related to the acquisition of potential partners and their credibility according to agreed conditions and requirements.

SIOK shall organize seminars, conferences formal and informal gatherings of Indonesian experts, exporters, importers and other professionals as from government institutions as private sector.

For the future SIOK prepares its structure and organization to be able to offer its members and non member physical and legal entities wide range of services such as free entrance to the information related with active commercial operations in general and interpretation and translation, legal support, legalization of documents, marketing and acquisition etc. in particular. It means SIOK shall offer variety of services which can improve and enlarge commercial exchange between two sides.  

SIOK shall closely cooperate with organizations exercising similar activities in the Republic of Indonesia and in Slovakia. The member of the SIOK can be any natural or legal person older 18 years of age, eligible for legal operations, agrees to accept the Charter of SIOK and paid subscription fee.  There is no race, national, religious or other form of discrimination. It means, the member can be any Indonesian or third country company and its representative can be elected to the leadership of the SIOK.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 19 February 2009 16:28 )


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