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Wednesday, 08 October 2008 22:19
ServiceDescriptionPrice for members SK/EURNon-members Price SK/EUR
MembershipThis payment guarantees members to have an approach to all available information of SIOK, its activities, active presentation in SIOK and allowances for all type of services.20.000/663,88 for legal person p.a. per year 
5.000/165,99 for natural person  p.a. per year
Listing company  on web side of SIOKPlacing company on web side of SIOK includes name of the company, contact information, description of product or service. 2.000/66,39per year5.000/165,99per year
InterpretationInterpretation from Slovak to Indonesian and vice versa1.000/33,19per hour 1.500/49,79per hour
TranslationSIOK provides confirmed translations from Slovak to Indonesian and vice versa.  1.500/49,79 per page1.800/59,75 per page
AdvertisementPresentation of the company’s Logo on web side of SIOK with “Click” connection to its web side. 15.000/497,91per month25.000/829,85per month
Business Matching SIOK arranges and mediates contacts between partners from Slovakia and Indonesia based on the specific requests or projects. 10.000/331,94 and more based on individual approach20.000/663,88  and more based on individual approach
Permanent ExhibitionSIOK prepares to provide permanent exhibitions for companies to present their products and services all over Slovakia. 10.000/331,94 per month15.000/497,91 per month
The place of permanent exhibition shall provide opportunity to individual activities of the companies to promote their products and services at any time.  1.500/49,79 per day3.000/99,58 per day
Contracting Exhibitions and FairsUnder SIOK umbrella parties can joint variety of thematic contracting exhibitions and fairs annually organized in the Slovak Republic. Will be specified in invitationWill be specified in invitation
Business missions SIOK shall organize 1 – 2 business missions to Indonesia annually.Will be specified in invitationWill be specified in invitation
Seminars, Presentations and Workshops SIOK will provide seminars, presentations and workshops using lectors and lecturers from Indonesian government and private institutions for its members and public in Slovakia.Admission with invitationAdmission with invitation
Partnership program*SIOK offers its partners different type of “Partner Programs” such as: Partner200.000/6.638,78
Golden Partner300.000/9.958,18
Diamond Partner 500.000/16.596,99

















































*Range of services is negotiated individually.

*Conversion rate 30,1260 SKK/EUR




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