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Glass of Wine 2010 On the 26th of April 2010 the „Glass of Wine Reception“ on occasion of the opening of a new residence of the Slovak-...
ITF Slovakiatour 2009 On 22th – 25th January 2009 the 15th Travel Fair ITF SLOVAKIATOUR was held at the Fair ground Incheba Expo Bratislava....
Delegation of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Working visit of the delegation of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries  of the Republic of Indonesia.
The meeting of the SIOK representatives with the delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture The meeting of the Slovak - Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (SIOK) representatives with the delegation of the Ministry of...
Book of Condolences On 15th and 16th of December 2008 the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia opened the Book of Condolences in honour...
SIOK at the Ministry of Agriculture of SR SIOK at the Ministry of Agriculture of SR.
Piano Concert Piano Concert performed by Sudiarso Duo
SIOK at Indonesian Embassy Meeting of SIOK with Mr. Firdauzie DWIANDIKA - Chargé d' Affaires a.i. of the Republic of Indonesia
SIOK in INDONESIA 2008 SIOK in INDONESIA 2008SIOK on meetings and courtesy calls in INDONESIA and at TRADE EXPO INDONESIA 2008
SIOK at SOPK Meeting of SIOK with SICC(SOPK)
SIOK and Charge d` Affaires Official reception of SIOK at the Indonesian Charge d` Affaires
SIOK at MHSR SIOK at the Ministry of Economy of Slovak Republic
SIOK at Indonesian Independence Day reception for the SIOK at Indonesian Independence Day reception
Reception Independence day Reception on occasion of 63rd Anniversary of Independence of Indonesia
SIOK and Ms. Emeria Siregar Meeting of SIOK with Ms. Emeria Siregar and Mr. Made. Official information from established SIOK.
Business Luncheon July 2009 On July 28, 2009 the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Slovakia together with SIOK and SARIO organized the Busines...
Business Luncheon June 2009 On June 23, 2009 the representatives of SIOK - Mr. Milan Compel, Mr. Julius Drugda and Ms. Zuzana Suskova met with H.E. ...
SIOK in INDONESIA 2009 SIOK on meetings and courtesy calls in INDONESIA and at TRADE EXPO INDONESIA 2009
Delegation of Indonesian entrepreneurs On 3 June 2013, Slovak Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (SIOK) welcomed under the present of the Ambassador of the Repub...


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