Home SIOK News Vernissage of Mss. Lucia Rubjelova
Vernissage of Mss. Lucia Rubjelova Print E-mail
Friday, 23 September 2016 11:43

18.10.2016, Bratislava, Slovak republic


Dear friends of Indonesia,


we would like to invite you for Vernissage organized by SIOK at Trnavska 33, Bratislava on which Mss. Lucia Rubjelova will present her works.

The opening ceremony of Vernissage will take place on October 18th,2016 at 5:00 p.m.



Best regards


Milan Compeľ

President of SIOK 

Download this file (Art_of_Lucia_Rubeljova_2016.doc)Art od Lucia Rjubelova 2016[ ]28 Kb
Download this file (Prezentácia1.jpg)Prezentácia1.jpg[Pozvánka na vernisáž]110 Kb
Download this file (Umelecký životopis Lucia Rubeljová.doc)Umelecký životopis Lucia Rubeljová.doc[Umelecký životopis L.R.]32 Kb


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